
Everything you need to print for THE 100 bed.

As mentioned in print settings, these parts should be printed with 30% infill.


Parts List

CenterBed-Center1More info
LeftBed-Right1More info
RightBed-Left1More info

More Info


Printing details
  • Qty: 1
  • Filament (length/weight): 72m / 215g
  • Supports: No

A brim is recommended to help keep the bed from warping.


Printing details
  • Qty: 1
  • Filament (length/weight): 42m / 125g
  • Supports: Yes

A brim is recommended to help keep the bed from warping. Needs to be oriented at an angle to fit on a 225x225 bed like the Ender 3 (or be willing to override settings in your slicer to tell it to slice anyways).

Printing details
  • Qty: 1
  • Filament (length/weight): 42m / 125g
  • Supports: Yes

A brim is recommended to help keep the bed from warping. Needs to be oriented at an angle to fit on a 225x225 bed like the Ender 3 (or be willing to override settings in your slicer to tell it to slice anyways).